My sister adviced me to buy some isomalt and silver food dust to make my cake topper. So I did...

It should've been easy enough. Just melt the isomalt:

Pour in some silver dust and pour the whole thing into the ice tray

But in the midst of taking photos of the process I may have gone and burnt the isomalt. Resulting in a rather different colour:

Also I realized that this takes quite a lot of isomalt and I don't really have much. The smaller ones are from an unburnt set.

The details don't quite pop as much as they did with the chocolate version, especially with the small ones. Them I can luckily re-melt to make a new big one, preferably in silver.

But I'm playing with the thought of making version 3.0 in white chocolate and somehow colouring that with the silver dust.

As my birthday get's closer I really should be cleaning up the house but that always evolves into new home improvement projects. Today it was hammering some nails into the walk-in closet's wall to hang my handbags, purses and clutches.